Watchguard XTM 2520 Yeni Nesil Enterprise UTM Firewall
Watchguard XTM 2520 UTM Firewall
Watchguard XTM 2520 UTM Firewall
The XTM 2520 is a powerhouse. High-performance 35 Gbps firewall throughput combines with strong protection, flexible management, and a multitude of connectivity options to deliver the ultimate enterprise-grade network security solution. The 2520 delivers unparalleled visibility into real-time and historical user, network, and security activities. This allows businesses to easily define, enforce, and audit strong security and acceptable use policies, resulting in increased employee productivity and less risk to critical intellectual property and customer data. VPN failover, WAN failover, and High Availability features ensure that mission-critical data keeps flowing. Real-time monitoring and rich reporting are included at no additional cost.
Error: The video ( couldn't be embedded.Watchguard XTM vs. SonicWall: Securing a web server
Watchguard XTM vs. Fortinet: Network Visibility Tools
Watchguard XTM vs. Cisco ASA: Setting up a VPN tunnel
Advanced Networking
WatchGuard’s advanced OS provides active/active high availability with load balancing, dynamic routing, VLAN support, and multi-WAN failover to ensure reliability.
Screaming-fast throughput
Up to 35 Gbps firewall throughput, 10 Gbps VPN throughput, and a jaw-dropping 15 Gbps throughput with full IPS and antivirus threat protection enabled. No one in the network security industry can top that number!
Unified security in a BYOD environment
Open the door to limitless productivity with tools to connect your people securely, even when they use personal devices like iPads and Androids. Anywhere, anytime secure access is today’s greatest competitive edge.
Always know what’s happening on your network
Pinpoint significant network activities to take immediate corrective or diagnostic actions directly from the interactive, real-time monitoring. Nobody provides better network visibility than WatchGuard.
Easily manage many appliances
Distributed organizations and MSSPs will especially appreciate the intuitive tools that support policy creation, management, and enforcement across multiple locations.
Comprehensive protection
Best-in-class security services boost protection in critical attack areas, including gateway AV, URL and web content filtering, intrusion prevention, app control, spam blocking.
Quick and secure setup
Take advantage of innovative features like drag-and-drop VPN creation and RapidDeploy technology to make fast work of extending your network.
High port density
Twelve 1-Gigabit Ethernet ports and four 10G SFP+ support high-speed LAN backbone infrastructures, as well as gigabit WAN connections.
Faster, safe web surfing
Add a simple subscription to Reputation Enabled Defense to your XTM solution and your organization will have faster web performance and even stronger security – with no additional hardware to buy.
Self Health Monitoring
Health monitoring for the WSM logging and reporting system helps minimize disruptions and maintain high service levels in these critical functions.
Remote/External Log Server/Report Server DB
MSSPs and larger organizations can now take advantage of the ability to isolate logging and reporting on a separate PC for high performance, scalability, and redundancy.
Green security
Our firewalls are designed with efficiency in mind, consuming very little energy. Compare our power consumption to other security products and see how WatchGuard can make your data center more energy efficient. Green up your network with WatchGuard.
3 ways to manage your appliance
Now you have the power to choose how you manage your WatchGuard appliance including, WatchGuard System Manager, the command line interface, and a web UI for access from anywhere, anytime.
VPN setup in seconds
Nothing could be easier than our drag-and-drop Branch Office VPN setup – three clicks and your remote office is connected.
Reporting made easy
Monitoring and reporting tools, included at no extra cost, support compliance, with drill-down functions that make it easy to pinpoint specific activities.
Application Control
Control the use of Web 2.0 and other applications on your network for tighter security, better use of bandwidth, and greater productivity.
Veri Kaybı Önleme (DLP)
XTM DLP prevents data breaches by scanning text and common file types to detect sensitive information. A predefined library of over 200 rules for 18 countries makes creating and updating corporate data policies as easy as point and click.
Application Control
Application Control enables IT administrators to monitor and control access to web and business applications to enforce policy, and protect productivity and network bandwidth.
Reputation Enabled Defense
Reputation Enabled Defense delivers a powerful, cloud-based URL reputation service that protects web users from malicious web pages, while dramatically improving web processing overhead.
Web Blocker
WebBlocker content and URL filtering subscription helps eliminate legal liabilities resulting from inappropriate web surfing, while increasing employee productivity and protection from web-based attacks.
spamBlocker is the best in the industry at distinguishing legitimate communication from spam outbreaks in real time, blocking nearly 100% of unwanted emails and the viral payloads they carry.
Gateway AntiVirus
Gateway AntiVirus is a fully integrated, signature-based security subscription that identifies and blocks known spyware, viruses, trojans, and blended threats in real time.
Intrusion Prevention Service
Intrusion Prevention Service works hand-in-hand with your WatchGuard firewall’s application layer content inspection to provide real-time protection from threats, including SQL injections, cross-site scripting, and buffer overflows.
LiveSecurity Service
Your WatchGuard virtual appliance includes a subscription to our ground-breaking LiveSecurity Service, which you activate online when you register your product. You have four options for getting LiveSecurity when you purchase WatchGuard XTMv. Choose the option that best fits
Watchguard XTM 2520
İdeal Kullanıcı Sayısı:10.000+Model Yükseltme:Firewall Değeri (Throughput)**:35 GbpsVpn Değeri (Throughput)**:10 GbpsUTM (Throughput)**:10+ GbpsIPS Değeri (Throughput)**:15 GbpsAV Değeri (Throughput)**:9.7 GbpsInterfaces:12 Adet: 10/100/1000
4 Adet: 10 Gpbs SFP+Giriş/Çıkış Arayüzü:1 Serial / 2 USBDesteklenen Ağ:SınırsızEşzamanlı Bağlantı*:2.500.000VLAN Desteği:4.000Saniyede Yeni Bağlantı:135.000Kullanıcı Veritabanı Limiti*:SınırsızVPN Tünel:Şube VPN Tüneli (Max.):SınırsızMobil VPN IPSec Client Lisans:SınırsızMobil VPN SSL & L2TP:SınırsızVPN Authentication:Ağ Özellikleri:Dynamic Nat:Static NAT:One to One NAT:VLAN:4.000Policy-Based Routing:WAN Failover:Multi-Wan Load Balancing:Server Load Balancing:Traffic Management / QoS:High Availability Active / Active Active / Passive:Dynamic Routing:VoIP (SIP ve H.323) Desteği:İdeal Kullanıcı SayısıModel YükseltmeFirewall Değeri (Throughput)**Vpn Değeri (Throughput)**UTM (Throughput)**IPS Değeri (Throughput)**AV Değeri (Throughput)**InterfacesGiriş/Çıkış ArayüzüDesteklenen AğEşzamanlı Bağlantı*VLAN DesteğiSaniyede Yeni BağlantıKullanıcı Veritabanı Limiti*VPN TünelŞube VPN Tüneli (Max.)Mobil VPN IPSec Client LisansMobil VPN SSL & L2TPVPN AuthenticationAğ ÖzellikleriDynamic NatStatic NATOne to One NATVLANPolicy-Based RoutingWAN FailoverMulti-Wan Load BalancingServer Load BalancingTraffic Management / QoSHigh Availability Active / Active Active / PassiveDynamic RoutingVoIP (SIP ve H.323) DesteğiWatchguard XTM 1520-RP
İdeal Kullanıcı Sayısı:10.000+Model Yükseltme:Firewall Değeri (Throughput)**:14 GbpsVpn Değeri (Throughput)**:10 GbpsUTM (Throughput)**:6.7 GbpsIPS Değeri (Throughput)**:11 GbpsAV Değeri (Throughput)**:8 GbpsInterfaces:14 Adet: 10/100/1000Giriş/Çıkış Arayüzü:1 Serial / 2 USBDesteklenen Ağ:SınırsızEşzamanlı Bağlantı*:2.000.000VLAN Desteği:2.000Saniyede Yeni Bağlantı:70.000Kullanıcı Veritabanı Limiti*:SınırsızVPN Tünel:Şube VPN Tüneli (Max.):10.000Mobil VPN IPSec Client Lisans:15.000Mobil VPN SSL & L2TP:15.000VPN Authentication:Ağ Özellikleri:Dynamic Nat:Static NAT:One to One NAT:VLAN:2.000Policy-Based Routing:WAN Failover:Multi-Wan Load Balancing:Server Load Balancing:Traffic Management / QoS:High Availability Active / Active Active / Passive:Dynamic Routing:VoIP (SIP ve H.323) Desteği:Watchguard XTM 1525-RP
İdeal Kullanıcı Sayısı:10.000+Model Yükseltme:Firewall Değeri (Throughput)**:25 GbpsVpn Değeri (Throughput)**:10 GbpsUTM (Throughput)**:6.7 GbpsIPS Değeri (Throughput)**:13 GbpsAV Değeri (Throughput)**:9 GbpsInterfaces:6 Adet: 10/100/1000
4 Adet: 10 Gpbs SFP+Giriş/Çıkış Arayüzü:1 Serial / 2 USBDesteklenen Ağ:SınırsızEşzamanlı Bağlantı*:2.000.000VLAN Desteği:3.000Saniyede Yeni Bağlantı:135.000Kullanıcı Veritabanı Limiti*:SınırsızVPN Tünel:Şube VPN Tüneli (Max.):10.000Mobil VPN IPSec Client Lisans:20.000Mobil VPN SSL & L2TP:20.000VPN Authentication:Ağ Özellikleri:Dynamic Nat:Static NAT:One to One NAT:VLAN:3.000Policy-Based Routing:WAN Failover:Multi-Wan Load Balancing:Server Load Balancing:Traffic Management / QoS:High Availability Active / Active Active / Passive:Dynamic Routing:VoIP (SIP ve H.323) Desteği:
Güvenlik Özellikleri
Ayrıntılı paket güvenliği, derin uygulama denetimi,uygulama proxy’leri:HTTP,HTTPS,SMTP,FTP,DNS,TCP,POP3
Spyware koruma, DoS atakları, parçalı paketler, bozuk paketler, karmaşık tehditler ve daha fazlası
Anlık mesajlaşma (instant messaging / IM) ve eşten eşe (peer to peer / P2P) vb. uygulamalarda etkin yönetim
Protokol anormallik tespiti, davranış analizi,desen eşleştirme
VoIP: H.323 ve SIP, arama kurma ve oturum güvenliği
Statik ve dinamik kaynak bloklama
Zaman tabanlı kurallamaGüvenlik Abonelikleri
Web Blocker ile HTTP, HTTPS içerik filtreleme
Spam Blocker ile virüs salgını bulma ve tam kullanımlı spam karantina
Gateway Antivirüs ile antispyware ve virüs karantina
Instrusion Prevention Service (IPS)ile protokol ve uygulama bazlı ataklara karşı koruma
Application Blocker ile 1500′den fazla uygulamayı kontrol edebilme
Etkin İtibar Savunma(Reputation Enabled Defense) servisi ile daha güvenilir ve daha hızlı internet sayfaları
1 yıl, 2 yıl, 3 yıl yenileme seçenekleriYönetim Yazılımı
Tüm Watchguard XTM ürünlerinde;
Komut satırı arayüzü ile direkt bağlantı,
Web arayüzü ile yönetim araçlarına istenilen yerden erişim.
Watchguard System Manager (WSM): Bir veya birden fazlacihazın merkezi olaraktüm kaynaklarının yönetilebilmesini sağlar, anlık gerçek zamanlı izleme yapılmasına olanak verir, loglama yapar, network durumunu gösterir, sürükle/bırak VPN ve zengin bir raporlama sunar.Kullanıcı Yetkilendirme
Transparent Actice Directory Authentication (single sign-on)
Radius için XAUTH, LDAP, Secure LDAP, Windows Active Directory
Web-tabanlı, lokal
Microsoft terminal servisleri ve CitrixLoglama ve Raporlama
Çok cihazlı loglama
HTML ve PDF rapolar
SQL logveritabanı
Şifrelenmiş log kanalı
SNMP v2/v3
Sunucu durum kontrollü loglama ve raporlama
Web-tabanlı, konfigüre edilebilir raporlar* Eşzamanlı oturumlar çift yönlü bağlantı sayısını temsil eder.
** Değerler çevre ve konfigürasyona göre değişir. -
Güvenlik Firewall Stateful packet inspection, deep packet inspection, proxy firewall Application Proxies HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, FTP, DNS, TCP, POP3 Threat Protection Blocks spyware, DoS attacks, fragmented packets, malformed packets, blended threats and more VoIP H.323, SIP, call setup & session security Security subscriptions Application Control, Reputation Enabled Defense, WebBlocker, spamBlocker, Gateway AntiVirus, Intrusion Prevention Service (available in the Security Bundle) VPN & Authentication Şifreleme DES, 3DES, AES 128-, 192-, 256-bit IPSec SHA-1, MD5, IKE pre-shared Key, 3rd party cert import SSL Thin client L2TP Works with native OS clients PPTP Server & Passthrough VPN Failover Yes Single Sign-On Transparent Active Directory Auth. XAUTH RADIUS, LDAP, Windows Active Directory Other User Authentication VASCO, RSA SecurID, web-based, local Ağ Operating System Fireware XTM Pro** IP Address Assignment Static, DynDNS, PPPoE, DHCP (server, client, relay) Routing Static, policy-based Link Aggregation 802.3ad dynamic, static, active/backup QoS 8 priority queues, diffserv, modified strict queuing NAT Static, dynamic, 1:1, IPSec NAT traversal, policy-based Other Networking Port independence, High Availability, multi-WAN failover, multi-WAN load balancing, transparent/drop-in mode Yönetim Management Platform WatchGuard System Manager (WSM) v.11 or higher, 4-device WatchGuard System Manager license included with purchase Alarms and Notifications SNMP v2/v3, Email, Management System Alert Server Support Logging, Reporting, Quarantine, WebBlocker, Management Web UI Supports Windows, Mac, Linux OS CLI Includes direct connect and scripting Donanım Ürün Boyutları 56 x 43 x 4.4 cm Nakliye Boyutlar 72 x 53 x 13 cm Nakliye Ağırlığı 16 Kg AC Power 100-240 VAC autosensing Rack Montajı Evet (1U rack montajı) Sertifikalar Güvenlik Sertifikaları ICSA Firewall, ICSA VPN, CC EAL4+ FIPS 140-2 Ağ IPv6 Ready Gold (routing) Safety Sertifikaları NRTL/C, CB Hazardous Substance Compliance WEEE, RoHS, REACH